How Michelob Ultra’s “Social Athlete” strategy reframed the lite beer category

John Kenny

John Kenny
(Former) Head of Planning
FCB, Chicago

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It's not typical that you would associate a beer brand with an active lifestyle, but that's exactlly the opportunity the Michelob Ultra planning team discovered. Through research into the culture of those who live an active lifestyle, FCB discovered a whole new way to reframe the category and a new way to think about light beer's role in the lives of those the brand ultimately defined as "Social Athletes."


Referenced work:

“Brewed for those who go the extra mile” and the terrific “It’s only worth it, if you can enjoy it” from Robots, helped build the stunning sales success of this campaign.


More recently, as the brand turned to the mass market, it appears to have evolved to a more celebrity-fueled interpretation of the proposition.



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