Repositioning AXE for a world where attraction is broader and more inclusive

Caroline Pic.jpg

Caroline Gregory
Global Brand Director, AXE

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LinkedIn / AXE

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Elizabeth Paul
Chief Strategy Officer
The Martin Agency

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LinkedIn / The Martin Agency


The brand that once expressed its essence - attraction - in terms of one-dimensional women drawn uncontrollably to the Axe guy, is reinventing itself. From “Spray Axe, get girl” to “Spray Axe, open possibilities,” the brand now reflects how the playground of attraction has broadened.


This new Axe campaign launched in 2021 from The Martin Agency. It reflects a new era, where attraction is more inclusive and many times fluid. In other words, possibilities in attraction are no longer portrayed as being single-minded.

Some of the early campaigns such as “Beaches" and “Even Angels will Fall,” played off a common theme of uncontrolled attraction to the everyday Axe guy. A single-minded perspective that defined women as one dimensional objects of fantasy, and a limited definition of attraction not every guy could see himself in.


2012’s “Fear no Susan Glenn” appears to have been an attempt to shift and experiment with a different aspect of fantasy. The idyllic girl, the lost opportunity, the momentary lack of courage that led to regret. A universal story of hopeful, unstated love that was never realized. This was a brilliant, yet completely different way to connect with the target.

2016’s “Find your Magic” appears to have been another attempt at connecting on a different level: Axe celebrating how confidence is far more attractive than conformity.


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